Is Argan Oil Safe in Pregnancy?

As moms, we can give the sacred gift of life, and I remember my pregnancy days as if they were yesterday. It was a life-changing 9 months that came with its beautiful moments but also with many hardships. One of the hardships that psychologically affect women during pregnancy is stretch marks. They appear as our … Read more

6 Tips for Safe CoSleeping

Tips for Safe CoSleeping

Co-Sleeping refers to the practice of sleeping on the same surface with your baby. More often than not, it’s associated with bed sharing. However, co-sleeping also means sharing the same room with different sleeping surfaces. If you have a baby under 6 months old, then it’s critical to understand when co-sleeping or bed-sharing with your … Read more

Can I Really Eat Pizza While Breastfeeding?

Yes, you can eat pizza while you are breastfeeding, but, as with every food, moderation and balance are key. Dietary restrictions can sometimes be hard to follow when you’re pregnant, and many new moms think that these rules extend into their breastfeeding days. While both pregnant and breastfeeding moms need to maintain a healthy and … Read more

How to Gently Night Wean Your Two Year Old

gentle night weaning

How do you gently stop breastfeeding your two-year old at night? There are several steps that you can take to begin weaning your toddler away from night time feedings. A bedtime routine can help jumpstart the night weaning process, as can cutting back to a few nights a week. There are several other ways to … Read more

Is Oat Milk Good For Breast Milk Supply? Read This To Find Out

oat milk for breastfeeding

Throughout pregnancy, the body prepares to produce enough food for the baby, but many moms face a low breast milk supply for many reasons. Expectedly, your diet and overall health play a crucial part in your milk production. If you lack nutrition, your body will drain all reserves, weakening you. Therefore, feeding yourself the right … Read more

How To Correct Lipstick Nipple Latch


The lipstick nipple is when the nipple looks misplaced because of breastfeeding with a shallow latch. The first sign of a bad latch is nipple pain and discomfort while nursing. The second sign is a fussy, annoyed, and hungry baby after feeding. You can correct lipstick nipple by applying different breastfeeding methods to prevent a … Read more