Are Meal Replacement Shakes Safe While Breastfeeding?

Meal Replacement Shakes Safe While Breastfeeding

You’re a new mom who’s ready to shed those extra pounds you gained during pregnancy. Between the lack of sleep and the busy schedule that you’re on, you can’t always find the time to prepare healthy meals and snacks for yourself.  These factors cause many new mothers to ask, “Are meal replacement shakes safe during … Read more

12 Reasons Why Your Baby Makes A Fuss While Breastfeeding

Reasons Why Your Baby Makes A Fuss While Breastfeeding

Your baby could pull away from your nipple while breastfeeding because of many reasons. However, you shouldn’t get worried or discouraged when this happens. As long as your baby’s steadily gaining weight and seems to be happy at the end of each feeding, they’re probably getting enough milk. Below, I will discuss some of the … Read more

Is it Smart to Take Magnesium While Breastfeeding?

Magnesium While Breastfeeding

New mothers have many questions, and understandably so! One of those questions is: can you consume magnesium while breastfeeding. The short answer is yes! In moderation, magnesium is good for you and your baby’s health. Your baby’s diet is dependent on the minerals, vitamins, and nutrients you consume. So, it’s highly important that you know … Read more

Sample Breastfeeding and Pumping Schedule for Newborns

Breastfeeding and Pumping Schedule for Newborns

Most mothers imagine themselves feeding their newborns directly at the breast while cuddling them in their arms. However, that’s not always how it goes for all moms. Many end up pumping either part or full time, and that’s completely fine!  However, combining breastfeeding and pumping can be exhausting. Coming up with a schedule that will … Read more

An Essential Guide to Drinking Coffee While Breastfeeding

Drinking Coffee While Breastfeeding

I love my coffee because it makes me feel more alert! It helps me get up in the morning, especially after becoming a full-time mother. Also, it helped me feel more awake when I hadn’t gotten much sleep because of my new baby. However, I’ve read somewhere that caffeine isn’t safe for breastfeeding, so I … Read more